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In our modern world, family planning stands as an essential aspect of responsible parenthood. A myriad of tools and methods is available for both men and women to control or delay pregnancies, and one of the most commonly used methods is contraceptive pills. In this extensive article, we will delve deep into the realm of contraceptive tablets, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of their names, types, and prices. By the time you finish reading, you will possess the knowledge needed to make an informed decision regarding these vital pharmaceuticals.

Understanding Contraceptive Tablets

Before we dive into the specifics of contraceptive tablet names and their respective prices, let’s lay down a solid foundation by understanding what these tablets are and how they function.

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price

In India, the prices of contraceptive tablets can vary widely depending on the brand and type. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from INR 100 to INR 500 per month for most contraceptive tablets. However, these prices are approximate and may fluctuate based on factors such as location, brand, and any discounts or subsidies available through healthcare providers or government programs. It’s advisable to consult with a local healthcare provider or pharmacy for the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information in India.

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price with different Types

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price with different Types:

Type of TabletBrandPrice Range per Month (Approximate)
Combination PillsYaz$30 – $50
Ortho Tri-Cyclen$20 – $40
Alesse$25 – $45
Progestin-Only Pills (Mini-Pills)Camila$20 – $35
Nora-Be$15 – $30
Emergency Contraceptive PillsPlan B One-Step$40 – $60 (per dose)
Take Action$35 – $55 (per dose)
Extended-Cycle PillsSeasonique$50 – $80
Amethyst$60 – $90
  1. Combination Pills
  • Yaz: Approximately INR 200 to INR 600 per month.
  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen: Around INR 150 to INR 500 per month.
  • Alesse: Priced between INR 180 to INR 550 per month.
  1. Progestin-Only Pills (Mini-Pills)
  • Camila: Typically costs between INR 120 to INR 400 per month.
  • Nora-Be: Priced at approximately INR 100 to INR 350 per month.
  1. Emergency Contraceptive Pills (Morning-After Pills)
  • Plan B One-Step: Roughly INR 250 to INR 800 per dose.
  • Take Action: Priced at around INR 200 to INR 700 per dose.
  1. Extended-Cycle Pills
  • Seasonique: Costs approximately INR 300 to INR 900 per month.
  • Amethyst: Priced between INR 350 to INR 1,000 per month.

What are Contraceptive Tablets?

Contraceptive tablets, commonly known as birth control pills, are medications designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They achieve this by containing hormones that interfere with the body’s natural hormonal cycle. One of their primary mechanisms of action is to inhibit ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary. In addition to this, they also alter the cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg. Furthermore, they create an environment within the uterus that discourages the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Types of Contraceptive Tablets

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price
  1. Combination Pills
  • What are Combination Pills? Combination pills contain a combination of two hormones, estrogen and progestin. These are typically taken on a daily basis and are highly effective when used as directed.
  • Advantages of Combination Pills Combination pills offer not only contraceptive benefits but also provide advantages such as regulation of the menstrual cycle, reduced menstrual cramps, and improved acne.
  • Common Brands and Prices of Combination Pills
    • Yaz: $30 – $50 per month
    • Ortho Tri-Cyclen: $20 – $40 per month
    • Alesse: $25 – $45 per month
  1. Progestin-Only Pills (Mini-Pills)
  • What are Progestin-Only Pills? Progestin-only pills, often referred to as mini-pills, contain only progestin, making them a suitable option for individuals who cannot take estrogen-based pills.
  • Advantages of Progestin-Only Pills Progestin-only pills are a viable choice for individuals who are sensitive to estrogen or have certain medical conditions that contraindicate the use of combination pills.
  • Common Brands and Prices of Progestin-Only Pills
    • Camila: $20 – $35 per month
    • Nora-Be: $15 – $30 per month
  1. Emergency Contraceptive Pills (Morning-After Pills)
  • What are Emergency Contraceptive Pills? Emergency contraceptive pills, often referred to as morning-after pills, are designed to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure.
  • Advantages of Emergency Contraceptive Pills These pills offer a last-resort option for individuals who find themselves in situations where regular contraceptive methods fail.
  • Common Brands and Prices of Emergency Contraceptive Pills
    • Plan B One-Step: $40 – $60 per dose
    • Take Action: $35 – $55 per dose
  1. Extended-Cycle Pills
  • What are Extended-Cycle Pills? Extended-cycle pills allow for a reduced number of menstrual periods throughout the year, providing greater convenience for some individuals.
  • Advantages of Extended-Cycle Pills Extended-cycle pills offer benefits such as fewer menstruations, reduced menstrual symptoms, and improved control over when periods occur.
  • Common Brands and Prices of Extended-Cycle Pills
    • Seasonique: $50 – $80 per month
    • Amethyst: $60 – $90 per month

Factors to Consider When Choosing Contraceptive Tablets

The decision to choose a tablet should not be taken lightly. Several factors should influence your choice:

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It’s important to note that contraceptive tablets are not 100% effective. Their effectiveness depends on various factors, including how consistently and correctly they are used. Discuss with a healthcare professional to determine which one aligns with your needs.

Side Effects

Each contraceptive tablet may have different side effects. Be aware of potential side effects and discuss them with your healthcare provider to make an informed decision.

Medical History

Your medical history and any existing conditions can significantly influence which contraceptive tablet is suitable for you. Always disclose your medical history to your healthcare provider.

Bacha Girane ki Tablet Name List Price


Prices can vary significantly, and it’s essential to consider your budget when making your decision. Affordable options are available, but quality should not be compromised.


In some regions, access to specific contraceptive tablets may be limited. Ensure that the chosen tablet is readily available to you.


In conclusion, contraceptive tablets have revolutionized family planning, offering a reliable and effective means of contraception. The names and prices provided in this article are approximate and may vary based on your location and the brand. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before making a choice to ensure that the selected tablet aligns with your specific needs and circumstances. Remember, your health, lifestyle, and budget should be taken into consideration when making this important decision.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Are contraceptive tablets 100% effective?

    Contraceptive tablets are not 100% effective. Their effectiveness depends on various factors, including proper and consistent usage.

  2. Do I need a prescription to buy contraceptive tablets?

    In many countries, a prescription is required to obtain most contraceptive tablets. Consult with a healthcare provider to discuss your options.

  3. Can contraceptive tablets protect against STIs?

    No, contraceptive tablets do not protect against STIs. To prevent STIs, you should use condoms or other barrier methods.

  4. What should I do if I miss taking a contraceptive tablet?

    If you miss a tablet, follow the instructions provided with your specific medication or consult with your healthcare provider. In some cases, emergency contraception may be necessary.

  5. Are there any age restrictions for using contraceptive tablets?

    Age restrictions for contraceptive tablet use can vary by country and product. Consult with a healthcare provider for guidance based on your age and health status.

  6. What is the best time to take contraceptive tablets?

    Contraceptive tablets should ideally be taken at the same time every day to maximize their effectiveness. Most combination pills are taken once a day, while progestin-only pills may have a more specific time frame. Consult your healthcare provider or refer to the specific instructions provided with your medication for the best timing.

  7. Are there natural alternatives to contraceptive tablets?

    Yes, some natural methods of contraception exist, such as fertility awareness methods and barrier methods like condoms. However, these methods may not be as effective as contraceptive tablets and require careful monitoring and consistency.

  8. Do contraceptive tablets have long-term effects on fertility?

    Generally, contraceptive tablets do not have long-term effects on fertility. Most individuals can regain their fertility shortly after discontinuing the use of these tablets. However, individual experiences may vary, so it’s essential to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider.

  9. Can contraceptive tablets be used for purposes other than birth control?

    Yes, contraceptive tablets are sometimes prescribed for other medical conditions, such as regulating irregular menstrual cycles, managing acne, and reducing the risk of certain reproductive cancers. Consult your healthcare provider to explore these additional benefits.

  10. How do I switch between different contraceptive tablets?

    Switching between contraceptive tablets should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. They can provide instructions on when to start the new medication and whether any backup contraception is needed during the transition.

  11. Are there any interactions between contraceptive tablets and other medications?

    Some medications and herbal supplements may interact with contraceptive tablets, potentially reducing their effectiveness. It’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications and supplements you are taking to ensure there are no adverse interactions.

  12. Can men use contraceptive tablets?

    Contraceptive tablets are primarily designed for women. However, there are ongoing studies and developments in male contraceptive options, such as male birth control pills and injections, which may become available in the future.

  13. How effective are emergency contraceptive pills?

    Emergency contraceptive pills, when taken as directed shortly after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, can be highly effective in preventing pregnancy. However, their effectiveness decreases the longer you wait to take them after the incident.

  14. Are there any age restrictions for using emergency contraceptive pills?

    Age restrictions for accessing emergency contraceptive pills may vary by region and product. In many places, there are no specific age restrictions, but it’s advisable to check local regulations and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns.

  15. Can contraceptive tablets cause weight gain?

    Some individuals may experience weight changes while using contraceptive tablets, but it’s not a universal side effect. Weight gain is typically minimal, and its significance varies from person to person. If you are concerned about weight-related side effects, discuss alternative options with your healthcare provider.


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